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In the Efficiency Championship, the principal goal of the operator is to perform as efficiently as possible while maintaining the best possible service level.
The test scenario is San Francisco.
The fleet size is set to 20.
These are the metrics defined:
- efficiency
No dependencies
At the beginning execute step step1-simulation
If step step1-simulation
has result success, then execute step step2-scoring
If step step1-simulation
has result failed, then declare the submission FAILED
If step step1-simulation
has result error, then declare the submission ERROR
If step step2-scoring
has result success, then declare the submission SUCCESS
If step step2-scoring
has result failed, then declare the submission FAILED
If step step2-scoring
has result error, then declare the submission ERROR
Timeout None
This is the simulation step.
This is the Docker Compose configuration skeleton:
version: '3' services: solution: image: SUBMISSION_CONTAINER environment: {} aido-host: image: andreacensi/aido1_amod_efficiency_r1-v3-step1-simulation-aido-host:2018_11_21_21_18_41 environment: SCENARIO: SanFrancisco.20080518 NUMBER_OF_VEHICLES: '20' REQUEST_NUMBER_DESIRED: '500'
will be replaced with the user containter.
No particular resources required.
Timeout None
This step computes the actual scores.
This is the Docker Compose configuration skeleton:
version: '3' services: aido-scorer: image: andreacensi/aido1_amod_efficiency_r1-v3-aido-scorer:2018_10_20_20_58_33 environment: {}
will be replaced with the user containter.
No particular resources required.