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#1 Raphael Jean 12846 | #2 Anastasiya Nikolskaya 12770 | #3 Kaiyi Chen 12860 |
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Rank (user) | User | Submission | complete | User label | Traveled distance↑ | Survival time↑ | Lateral deviation ↓ | Major infractions ↓ |
1 | Raphael Jean | 12846 | 1/1 | exercise_state_estimation | 9.3 | 40. | 1.44 | 0.6 |
2 | Anastasiya Nikolskaya 🇷🇺 | 12770 | 1/1 | JetBrains Research | 8.68 | 28. | 1.54 | 0.2 |
3 | Kaiyi Chen 🇺🇸 | 12860 | 1/1 | KK Net | 8.06 | 38. | 2. | 3.4 |
4 | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12710 | 1/1 | baseline-behavior-cloning | 8.06 | 34. | 1.62 | 0.8 |
5 | Robert Moni 🇭🇺 | 12928 | 1/1 | speedRL | 8.06 | 28. | 1.18 | 0.8 |
- | Raphael Jean | 12874 | 1/1 | sim-exercise-2 | 7.44 | 30. | 1.51 | 1.8 |
6 | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 13101 | 1/1 | 3090 | 7.44 | 20. | 1. | 0.4 |
7 | Andras Beres | 13260 | 1/1 | 101-1 | 6.2 | 20. | 1.03 | 3.2 |
- | Anastasiya Nikolskaya 🇷🇺 | 13173 | 1/1 | JetBrains Research0 real2sim v0.1.0 --REAL | 4.34 | 18. | 0.92 | 4. |
8 | Márton Tim 🇭🇺 | 13025 | 1/1 | LF-only | 4.34 | 14. | 0.96 | 2.6 |
This list includes repeated entries from the same user and the entries from the organizers.
#1 Raphael Jean 12846 | #2 Anastasiya Nikolskaya 12770 | #3 Kaiyi Chen 12860 |
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Rank (user) | User | Submission | complete | User label | Traveled distance↑ | Survival time↑ | Lateral deviation ↓ | Major infractions ↓ |
1 | Raphael Jean | 12846 | 1/1 | exercise_state_estimation | 9.3 | 40. | 1.44 | 0.6 |
2 | Anastasiya Nikolskaya 🇷🇺 | 12770 | 1/1 | JetBrains Research | 8.68 | 28. | 1.54 | 0.2 |
3 | Kaiyi Chen 🇺🇸 | 12860 | 1/1 | KK Net | 8.06 | 38. | 2. | 3.4 |
4 | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12710 | 1/1 | baseline-behavior-cloning | 8.06 | 34. | 1.62 | 0.8 |
- | Frank (Chude) Qian 🇨🇦 | 11420 | 1/1 | challenge-aido_LF-baseline-behavior-cloning | 8.06 | 34. | 1.62 | 0.8 |
5 | Robert Moni 🇭🇺 | 12928 | 1/1 | speedRL | 8.06 | 28. | 1.18 | 0.8 |
- | Raphael Jean | 12874 | 1/1 | sim-exercise-2 | 7.44 | 30. | 1.51 | 1.8 |
6 | András Kalapos 🇭🇺 | 13101 | 1/1 | 3090 | 7.44 | 20. | 1. | 0.4 |
7 | Andras Beres | 13260 | 1/1 | 101-1 | 6.2 | 20. | 1.03 | 3.2 |
- | Anastasiya Nikolskaya 🇷🇺 | 13173 | 1/1 | JetBrains Research0 real2sim v0.1.0 --REAL | 4.34 | 18. | 0.92 | 4. |
8 | Márton Tim 🇭🇺 | 13025 | 1/1 | LF-only | 4.34 | 14. | 0.96 | 2.6 |
9 | Peter Almasi 🇭🇺 | 13111 | 1/1 | rl-agent-9502-real | 3.72 | 22. | 0.47 | 0. |
10 | Melisande Teng | 12832 | 1/1 | exercise_state_estimation | 3.72 | 22. | 1.04 | 0.8 |
- | Márton Tim 🇭🇺 | 13017 | 1/1 | 3626 | 3.72 | 10. | 0.55 | 1. |
11 | Yury Belousov 🇷🇺 | 13218 | 1/1 | JetBrains Research2 sim2real | 2.48 | 18. | 1.03 | 4.2 |
- | Andras Beres | 13273 | 1/1 | 102-1-real | 2.48 | 8. | 0.43 | 1.2 |
- | Yury Belousov 🇷🇺 | 13191 | 1/1 | JetBrains Research2 sim2real v0.1.1 | 1.86 | 16. | 0.83 | 5. |
- | Raphael Jean | 12757 | 1/1 | sim-exercise-1 | 1.86 | 10. | 0.45 | 0. |
- | Márton Tim 🇭🇺 | 13038 | 1/1 | 3625 | 1.86 | 6. | 0.31 | 1. |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12650 | 1/1 | template-pytorch | 1.24 | 32. | 1.61 | 17.2 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12680 | 1/1 | baseline-duckietown | 1.24 | 12. | 0.72 | 1.2 |
12 | Yishu Malhotra 🇨🇦 | 12818 | 1/1 | sim-exercise-2 | 1.24 | 10. | 0.58 | 1. |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12590 | 1/1 | template-ros | 1.24 | 8. | 0.26 | 4.6 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12665 | 1/1 | template-tensorflow | 1.24 | 6. | 0.29 | 2.4 |
- | Márton Tim 🇭🇺 | 13004 | 1/1 | test_submit | 1.24 | 6. | 0.39 | 0.4 |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12575 | 1/1 | straight | 0.62 | 4. | 0.38 | 0. |
- | Bea Baselines 🐤 | 12725 | 1/1 | template-random | 0.62 | 2. | 0.17 | 0.4 |