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Evaluator 1740

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# evaluating
# success
# timeout
# failed
# error1 33059
# aborted
# host-error
gpu available
Number of processors
Processor frequency (MHz)
Free % of processors
RAM total (MB)
RAM free (MB)
Disk (MB)
Disk available (MB)
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Cloud simulations
PI Camera
# Duckiebots
Map 3x3 avaiable
Number of duckies
gpu cores
AIDO 2 Map LF public
AIDO 2 Map LF private
AIDO 2 Map LFV public
AIDO 2 Map LFV private
AIDO 2 Map LFVI public
AIDO 2 Map LFVI private
AIDO 3 Map LF public
AIDO 3 Map LF private
AIDO 3 Map LFV public
AIDO 3 Map LFV private
AIDO 3 Map LFVI public
AIDO 3 Map LFVI private
AIDO 5 Map large loop
ETU track
for 2021, map is ETH_small_inter
IPFS mountpoint /ipfs available
IPNS mountpoint /ipns available

Evaluator jobs

Job IDsubmissionuseruser labelchallengestepstatusup to dateevaluatordate starteddate completeddurationmessage
330596688Anthony Courchesne 🇨🇦template-rosaido3-off-LF-sim-validationstep1-simulationerroryesp-10:00:43
Unexpected exception [...]
Unexpected exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/zuper_nodes/", line 25, in check_compatible_protocol
    raise IncompatibleProtocol(msg)
zuper_nodes.compatibility.IncompatibleProtocol: For input "get_commands", cannot use type <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands'> as <class 'NoneType'>: CanBeUsed(result=False, why="Type <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands'> (94072003108912) \n is not a subclass of <class 'NoneType'> (139635598948096) \n is : False", M=Matches(m={}), matches={}, reasons={})

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 676, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "", line 446, in <module>
  File "", line 434, in wrap
    main(cie, logdir, attempts)
  File "", line 79, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 88, in _get_node_protocol
    check_compatible_protocol(self.node_protocol, self.expect_protocol)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/zuper_nodes/", line 43, in check_compatible_protocol
    raise IncompatibleProtocol(msg) from e
zuper_nodes.compatibility.IncompatibleProtocol: Cannot say that p1 is a sub-protocol of p2
p1: |InteractionProtocol(description='Particularization for Duckiebot1 observations and commands.', inputs={'seed': <class 'int'>, 'get_commands': <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_agent.GetCommands'>, 'observations': <class 'aido_schemas.schemas.Duckiebot1Observations'>, 'episode_start': <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_agent.EpisodeStart'>}, outputs={'commands': <class 'aido_schemas.schemas.Duckiebot1Commands'>}, language='(in:seed)? ; ((in:episode_start ; ((in:observations | (in:get_commands ; out:commands))*))*)')
p2: |InteractionProtocol(description='Generic protocol for an agent that receives "observations" and responds \nwith "commands".\n\n"episode_start" marks the beginning of an episode.', inputs={'observations': typing.Any, 'seed': <class 'int'>, 'get_commands': <class 'NoneType'>, 'episode_start': <class 'aido_schemas.protocol_agent.EpisodeStart'>}, outputs={'commands': typing.Any}, language='(in:seed)? ; ((in:episode_start ; ((in:observations | (in:get_commands ; out:commands))*))*)')
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