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Job 77865

Job ID77865
userBea Baselines 🐤
user labelbaseline-duckietown
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date started
date completed
InvalidEvaluator: Tr [...]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
    return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 391, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    raise ZValueError(msg, anns=anns, T=T, known=sorted(mj), f=f)
zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot find field 'x' in data for class FriendlyPose and no default available
│  anns: {x: float, y: float, theta_deg: float}
│     T: float
│ known: [data, dtype, shape]
│     f: Field(name='x',type=<class 'float'>,default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fdd8cd573d0>,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x7fdd8cd573d0>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
    return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    raise ZValueError(
zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'pose' of RobotConfiguration.
│ K_annotations: dict[2]
│                │ pose:
│                │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
│                │  field         x : float
│                │  field         y : float
│                │  field theta_deg : float
│                │ velocity:
│                │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyVelocity
│                │  field         x : float
│                │  field         y : float
│                │  field theta_deg : float
│   expect_type: dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
│                 field         x : float
│                 field         y : float
│                 field theta_deg : float
│         ann_K: dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
│                 field         x : float
│                 field         y : float
│                 field theta_deg : float
│        K_name: RobotConfiguration

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 360, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_k, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 177, in object_from_ipce_
    return object_from_ipce_dict(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 461, in object_from_ipce_dict
    attrs[k] = object_from_ipce_(v, et_V, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
    return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    raise ZValueError(
zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'configuration' of ScenarioRobotSpec.
│ K_annotations: dict[5]
│                │ configuration:
│                │ dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.RobotConfiguration
│                │  field     pose : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
│                │                    field         x : float
│                │                    field         y : float
│                │                    field theta_deg : float
│                │  field velocity : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyVelocity
│                │                    field         x : float
│                │                    field         y : float
│                │                    field theta_deg : float
│                │ color: str
│                │ description: str
│                │ controllable: bool
│                │ protocol: Optional[ProtocolDesc ]
│   expect_type: dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.RobotConfiguration
│                 field     pose : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
│                                   field         x : float
│                                   field         y : float
│                                   field theta_deg : float
│                 field velocity : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyVelocity
│                                   field         x : float
│                                   field         y : float
│                                   field theta_deg : float
│         ann_K: dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.RobotConfiguration
│                 field     pose : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyPose
│                                   field         x : float
│                                   field         y : float
│                                   field theta_deg : float
│                 field velocity : dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.FriendlyVelocity
│                                   field         x : float
│                                   field         y : float
│                                   field theta_deg : float
│        K_name: ScenarioRobotSpec

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 74, in object_from_ipce
    res = object_from_ipce_(mj, expect_type, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 185, in object_from_ipce_
    return object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance(mj, K, ieds=ieds, iedo=iedo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 366, in object_from_ipce_dataclass_instance
    raise ZValueError(
zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize attribute 'robots' of Scenario.
│ K_annotations: dict[6]
│                │ scenario_name: str
│                │ environment: Any
│                │ player_robots: List[str]
│                │ robots: Dict[str,ScenarioRobotSpec]
│                │ duckies: Dict[str,ScenarioDuckieSpec]
│                │ payload_yaml: str
│   expect_type: Dict[str,ScenarioRobotSpec]
│         ann_K: Dict[str,ScenarioRobotSpec]
│        K_name: Scenario

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 19, in wrap
    stats = evaluate_robotarium_log(d_step, outd=outd)
  File "/project/", line 122, in evaluate_robotarium_log
    scenario = cast(Scenario, object_from_ipce(config_, Scenario))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zuper_ipce/", line 93, in object_from_ipce
    raise ZValueError(msg, expect_type=expect_type, mj=mj) from e
zuper_commons.types.exceptions.ZValueError: Cannot deserialize object
│ expect_type: dataclass aido_schemas.protocol_simulator.Scenario
│               field scenario_name : str
│               field   environment : Any
│               field player_robots : List[str]
│               field        robots : Dict[str,ScenarioRobotSpec]
│               field       duckies : Dict[str,ScenarioDuckieSpec]
│               field  payload_yaml : str
│          mj: dict[5]
│              │ robots:
│              │ dict[1]
│              │ │ ego0:
│              │ │ dict[5]
│              │ │ │ color: red
│              │ │ │ protocol: PROTOCOL_NORMAL
│              │ │ │ description: Playable robot ego0
│              │ │ │ controllable: True
│              │ │ │ configuration:
│              │ │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\xfc\xd1u\xe6\xec,\xa7\xbc\x00\x00', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ │ velocity: {data: 72 bytes b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ duckies:
│              │ dict[10]
│              │ │ duckie00:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\xde\xfb2\xcb\x15\x0c\xe2\xbf;\x95', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ │ duckie01: {pose: {data: 72 bytes b'I\xa8\xaaF\\^\xeb\xbf\xffI', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]} , color: yellow}
│              │ │ duckie02: {pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\x0eA:Tl\xa4\xe7\xbf\xe9/', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]} , color: yellow}
│              │ │ duckie03:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\x08\x94\xb2\xfa\xa8\xa0\xd4\xbf\x9d%', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ │ duckie04:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\xe8\x99\xf4S\xfb&\xb9\xbfa\x18', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ │ duckie05: {pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\xa1\x12ud\xb9\xe0\xb7?Ag', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]} , color: yellow}
│              │ │ duckie06:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\xe6\xd8\x89\xba\x05W\xed\xbf\xc4\xa6', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ │ duckie07:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'7\xdd\x9b6\xa3I\xef\xbf\xab\xcf', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ │ duckie08:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'`O\x9c\x03\xa6^\xe4\xbf\x1eQ', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ │ duckie09:
│              │ │ dict[2]
│              │ │ │ pose: {data: 72 bytes b'\xa6\xca\xbb\x82E\xaf\xeb?K\xe4', dtype: float64, shape: [3, 3]}
│              │ │ │ color: yellow
│              │ environment:
│              │ |objects:
│              │ |  tag334:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 0.647
│              │ |        - 1.708
│              │ |        theta_deg: 270
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 334
│              │ |  tag335:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 1.2229999999999999
│              │ |        - 2.282
│              │ |        theta_deg: 180
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 335
│              │ |  tag336:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 2.202
│              │ |        - 2.7929999999999997
│              │ |        theta_deg: 315
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 336
│              │ |  tag337:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 1.698
│              │ |        - 1.8079999999999998
│              │ |        theta_deg: 90
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 337
│              │ |  tag338:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 1.696
│              │ |        - 1.116
│              │ |        theta_deg: 90
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 338
│              │ |  tag339:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 1.222
│              │ |        - 0.647
│              │ |        theta_deg: 0
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 339
│              │ |  tag340:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 2.1959999999999997
│              │ |        - 0.155
│              │ |        theta_deg: 225
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 340
│              │ |  tag341:
│              │ |    kind: floor_tag
│              │ |    pose:
│              │ |      ~SE2Transform:
│              │ |        p:
│              │ |        - 0.648
│              │ |        - 1.2229999999999999
│              │ |        theta_deg: 270
│              │ |    tag:
│              │ |      ~TagInstance:
│              │ |        family: 36h11
│              │ |        size: 0.08
│              │ |        tag_id: 341
│              │ |tile_size: 0.585
│              │ |tiles:
│              │ |- - asphalt
│              │ |  - curve_left/W
│              │ |  - straight/W
│              │ |  - curve_left/N
│              │ |- - curve_left/W
│              │ |  - curve_right/S
│              │ |  - asphalt
│              │ |  - straight/N
│              │ |- - straight/S
│              │ |  - asphalt
│              │ |  - asphalt
│              │ |  - straight/N
│              │ |- - curve_left/S
│              │ |  - curve_right/E
│              │ |  - asphalt
│              │ |  - straight/N
│              │ |- - asphalt
│              │ |  - curve_left/S
│              │ |  - straight/E
│              │ |  - curve_left/E
│              │ |
│              │ player_robots: [ego0]
│              │ scenario_name: LFP-real-validation-001

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/duckietown_challenges/", line 681, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "", line 34, in <module>
  File "", line 24, in wrap
    raise dc.InvalidEvaluator() from e

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