Job ID | step | status | up to date | date started | date completed | duration | message | | |
11623 | step4-viz | success | yes | | | 0:01:21 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | driven_lanedir_median | 1.5917498540319373 | deviation-center-line_median | 0.06453505804479207 | in-drivable-lane_median | 0.033333333333333326 |
other statsdeviation-center-line_max | 0.20290642527331035 | deviation-center-line_mean | 0.08988312043092098 | deviation-center-line_min | 0.04425840650084579 | deviation-heading_max | 1.1637987756027777 | deviation-heading_mean | 0.36715027050881355 | deviation-heading_median | 0.1710891490498041 | deviation-heading_min | 0.14771213213030893 | driven_any_max | 4.272887501909918 | driven_any_mean | 2.1037412863096714 | driven_any_median | 1.701431716645206 | driven_any_min | 1.210453188806718 | driven_lanedir_max | 3.4762581953513414 | driven_lanedir_mean | 1.77899238554578 | driven_lanedir_min | 0.9761080717567168 | in-drivable-lane_max | 0.6 | in-drivable-lane_mean | 0.23333333333333311 | in-drivable-lane_min | 0 | per-episodes | details{"ep000": {"driven_any": 1.701431716645206, "driven_lanedir": 0.9761080717567168, "in-drivable-lane": 0.6, "deviation-heading": 0.20379411354534063, "deviation-center-line": 0.07977986173846545}, "ep001": {"driven_any": 1.7234977362872363, "driven_lanedir": 1.697522803580361, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.1710891490498041, "deviation-center-line": 0.06453505804479207}, "ep002": {"driven_any": 1.210453188806718, "driven_lanedir": 1.1533230030085428, "in-drivable-lane": 0.033333333333333326, "deviation-heading": 0.1493571822158363, "deviation-center-line": 0.04425840650084579}, "ep003": {"driven_any": 1.6104362878992773, "driven_lanedir": 1.5917498540319373, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.14771213213030893, "deviation-center-line": 0.05793585059719126}, "ep004": {"driven_any": 4.272887501909918, "driven_lanedir": 3.4762581953513414, "in-drivable-lane": 0.5333333333333324, "deviation-heading": 1.1637987756027777, "deviation-center-line": 0.20290642527331035}} |
| No reset possible |
11619 | step3-videos | success | yes | | | 0:01:19 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
11614 | step2-scoring | success | yes | | | 0:00:25 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | survival_time_median | 1.5666666666666682 |
other statsepisodes | details{"ep000": {"nsteps": 47, "reward": -21.14614636407412, "good_angle": 0.13472964030083465, "survival_time": 1.5666666666666682, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.2666666666666666}, "ep001": {"nsteps": 47, "reward": -20.759596932600154, "good_angle": 0.030872682150717576, "survival_time": 1.5666666666666682, "traveled_tiles": 4, "valid_direction": 0}, "ep002": {"nsteps": 34, "reward": -28.81021263034028, "good_angle": 0.0412167873292339, "survival_time": 1.1333333333333335, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.033333333333333326}, "ep003": {"nsteps": 44, "reward": -22.281149801238083, "good_angle": 0.05480573977150825, "survival_time": 1.466666666666668, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.1333333333333333}, "ep004": {"nsteps": 122, "reward": -8.057136763192592, "good_angle": 3.1266940191265733, "survival_time": 4.066666666666662, "traveled_tiles": 4, "valid_direction": 1.599999999999997}} | good_angle_max | 3.1266940191265733 | good_angle_mean | 0.6776637737357735 | good_angle_median | 0.05480573977150825 | good_angle_min | 0.030872682150717576 | reward_max | -8.057136763192592 | reward_mean | -20.21084849828905 | reward_median | -21.14614636407412 | reward_min | -28.81021263034028 | survival_time_max | 4.066666666666662 | survival_time_mean | 1.96 | survival_time_min | 1.1333333333333335 | traveled_tiles_max | 4 | traveled_tiles_mean | 3.4 | traveled_tiles_median | 3 | traveled_tiles_min | 3 | valid_direction_max | 1.599999999999997 | valid_direction_mean | 0.406666666666666 | valid_direction_median | 0.1333333333333333 | valid_direction_min | 0 |
| No reset possible |
11598 | step1-simulation | success | yes | | | 0:05:44 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
9492 | step4-viz | success | yes | | | 0:04:10 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
9490 | step3-videos | success | yes | | | 0:02:18 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
9489 | step2-scoring | success | yes | | | 0:00:20 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |
9488 | step2-scoring | success | yes | | | 0:00:22 | | Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard. | | No reset possible |