Job ID step status up to date date started date completed duration message 11603
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-22 14:52:00+00:00 2018-11-22 14:53:18+00:00 0:01:18 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
driven_lanedir_median 1.1708071399621611 deviation-center-line_median 0.062459031633713455 in-drivable-lane_median 0.033333333333333326
other stats deviation-center-line_max 0.19663388640712048 deviation-center-line_mean 0.0878764918178793 deviation-center-line_min 0.03366051417958435 deviation-heading_max 0.5365605755607236 deviation-heading_mean 0.21817796436212 deviation-heading_median 0.18750605204876103 deviation-heading_min 0.043767648089746966 driven_any_max 3.5070813095089495 driven_any_mean 1.7171015390426216 driven_any_median 1.5736551271901735 driven_any_min 0.760000000000006 driven_lanedir_max 2.8913764474365657 driven_lanedir_mean 1.4671064896894317 driven_lanedir_min 0.7583624342945385 in-drivable-lane_max 0.4666666666666672 in-drivable-lane_mean 0.19333333333333344 in-drivable-lane_min 0 per-episodes details {"ep000": {"driven_any": 1.7311114501547715, "driven_lanedir": 1.1708071399621611, "in-drivable-lane": 0.4666666666666666, "deviation-heading": 0.19458781521636545, "deviation-center-line": 0.08805962380702871}, "ep001": {"driven_any": 0.760000000000006, "driven_lanedir": 0.7583624342945385, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.043767648089746966, "deviation-center-line": 0.05856940306194948}, "ep002": {"driven_any": 1.013659808359208, "driven_lanedir": 0.9553799661967334, "in-drivable-lane": 0.033333333333333326, "deviation-heading": 0.12846773089500302, "deviation-center-line": 0.03366051417958435}, "ep003": {"driven_any": 1.5736551271901735, "driven_lanedir": 1.5596064605571591, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.18750605204876103, "deviation-center-line": 0.062459031633713455}, "ep004": {"driven_any": 3.5070813095089495, "driven_lanedir": 2.8913764474365657, "in-drivable-lane": 0.4666666666666672, "deviation-heading": 0.5365605755607236, "deviation-center-line": 0.19663388640712048}}
No reset possible 11600
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-22 14:50:39+00:00 2018-11-22 14:51:54+00:00 0:01:15 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 11597
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-22 14:50:08+00:00 2018-11-22 14:50:32+00:00 0:00:24 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
survival_time_median 1.4333333333333345
other stats episodes details {"ep000": {"nsteps": 48, "reward": -20.732302944525145, "good_angle": 0.1463442128559195, "survival_time": 1.6000000000000016, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.29999999999999993}, "ep001": {"nsteps": 21, "reward": -47.27952035410063, "good_angle": 0.0030213493876724944, "survival_time": 0.7, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0}, "ep002": {"nsteps": 29, "reward": -33.934433296065905, "good_angle": 0.032472482284870596, "survival_time": 0.9666666666666666, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.06666666666666665}, "ep003": {"nsteps": 43, "reward": -22.61954516155082, "good_angle": 0.04032994872075354, "survival_time": 1.4333333333333345, "traveled_tiles": 3, "valid_direction": 0.09999999999999998}, "ep004": {"nsteps": 96, "reward": -10.020518069698786, "good_angle": 0.3083660205365306, "survival_time": 3.1999999999999984, "traveled_tiles": 6, "valid_direction": 0.5333333333333335}}good_angle_max 0.3083660205365306 good_angle_mean 0.10610680275714934 good_angle_median 0.04032994872075354 good_angle_min 0.0030213493876724944 reward_max -10.020518069698786 reward_mean -26.917263965188265 reward_median -22.61954516155082 reward_min -47.27952035410063 survival_time_max 3.1999999999999984 survival_time_mean 1.5800000000000003 survival_time_min 0.7 traveled_tiles_max 6 traveled_tiles_mean 3.6 traveled_tiles_median 3 traveled_tiles_min 3 valid_direction_max 0.5333333333333335 valid_direction_mean 0.2 valid_direction_median 0.09999999999999998 valid_direction_min 0
No reset possible 11575
step1-simulation success yes 2018-11-22 14:44:48+00:00 2018-11-22 14:49:58+00:00 0:05:10 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9525
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-15 04:02:27+00:00 2018-11-15 04:07:04+00:00 0:04:37 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9524
step4-viz aborted yes 2018-11-15 04:02:26+00:00 2018-11-15 04:02:38+00:00 0:00:12 Error while running [...]
Creating job9524-1916_visualization_1 ... error
stderr | ERROR: for job9524-1916_visualization_1 Cannot start service visualization: network job9524-1916_evaluation not found
stderr |
stderr | ERROR: for visualization Cannot start service visualization: network job9524-1916_evaluation not found
stderr | Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
stderr |
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9522
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-15 04:00:20+00:00 2018-11-15 04:02:23+00:00 0:02:03 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9521
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-15 04:00:16+00:00 2018-11-15 04:02:25+00:00 0:02:09 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9520
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-15 03:59:51+00:00 2018-11-15 04:00:12+00:00 0:00:21 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9519
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-15 03:59:51+00:00 2018-11-15 04:10:06+00:00 0:10:15 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9518
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-15 03:59:48+00:00 2018-11-15 04:10:07+00:00 0:10:19 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 9505
step1-simulation success no 2018-11-15 03:51:44+00:00 2018-11-15 03:59:45+00:00 0:08:01 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible