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Submission 4289

Competinguser retired
UserFrank (Chude) Qian 🇨🇦
Date submitted
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User labelPredictorLast
Admin priority50
User priority50

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Unexpected exception [...]
Unexpected exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 370, in deserialize_dataclass
    attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=expect_type)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 310, in ipce_to_object
    return deserialize_Dict(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 428, in deserialize_Dict
    attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=V)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 282, in ipce_to_object
    return schema_to_type(schema, global_symbols, encountered)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 453, in schema_to_type
    res = schema_to_type_(schema0, global_symbols, encountered)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 555, in schema_to_type_
    assert False, schema  # pragma: no cover
AssertionError: {'title': 'Any'}

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 370, in deserialize_dataclass
    attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=expect_type)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 315, in ipce_to_object
    return deserialize_dataclass(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 375, in deserialize_dataclass
    raise Exception(msg) from e
Exception: Cannot deserialize attribute inputs (expect: typing.Dict[str, type])
value: {'get_logs': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'get_state': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'set_state': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}, 'set_config': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['key', 'value'], 'title': 'SetConfig', '$schema': '', 'required': ['key', 'value'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'properties': {'key': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'value': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'SetConfig(key: str, value: Any)', '__qualname__': 'SetConfig'}, 'describe_node': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_build': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_config': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_protocol': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}}

| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 370, in deserialize_dataclass
|     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=expect_type)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 310, in ipce_to_object
|     return deserialize_Dict(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 428, in deserialize_Dict
|     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=V)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 282, in ipce_to_object
|     return schema_to_type(schema, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 453, in schema_to_type
|     res = schema_to_type_(schema0, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 555, in schema_to_type_
|     assert False, schema  # pragma: no cover
| AssertionError: {'title': 'Any'}

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/project/src/duckietown-challenges/src/duckietown_challenges/", line 610, in scoring_context
    yield cie
  File "", line 75, in <module>
  File "", line 26, in main
  File "/project/src/zuper-nodes/src/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 79, in _get_node_protocol
  File "/project/src/zuper-nodes/src/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 92, in write_topic_and_expect
    ob: MsgReceived = self.read_one(expect_topic=expect, timeout=timeout)
  File "/project/src/zuper-nodes/src/zuper_nodes_wrapper/", line 211, in read_one
    data = ipce_to_object(msg[FIELD_DATA], {}, expect_type=klass)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 315, in ipce_to_object
    return deserialize_dataclass(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
  File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 375, in deserialize_dataclass
    raise Exception(msg) from e
Exception: Cannot deserialize attribute meta (expect: <class 'zuper_nodes.language.InteractionProtocol'>)
value: {'inputs': {'get_logs': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'get_state': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'set_state': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}, 'set_config': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['key', 'value'], 'title': 'SetConfig', '$schema': '', 'required': ['key', 'value'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'properties': {'key': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'value': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'SetConfig(key: str, value: Any)', '__qualname__': 'SetConfig'}, 'describe_node': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_build': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_config': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_protocol': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}}, 'outputs': {'logs': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'title': 'List[str]', '$schema': ''}, 'aborted': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'node_state': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}, 'set_state_ack': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'set_config_ack': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'set_state_error': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'node_description': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['description'], 'title': 'NodeDescription', '$schema': '', 'required': ['description'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'properties': {'description': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'NodeDescription(description: str)', '__qualname__': 'NodeDescription'}, 'set_config_error': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'build_description': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': [], 'title': 'BuildDescription', '$schema': '', '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'description': 'BuildDescription()', '__qualname__': 'BuildDescription'}, 'config_description': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['config', 'current'], 'title': 'ConfigDescription', '$schema': '', 'required': ['config', 'current'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'properties': {'config': {'$ref': '', 'title': 'type'}, 'current': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'ConfigDescription(config: type, current: Any)', '__qualname__': 'ConfigDescription'}, 'protocol_description': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['data', 'meta'], 'title': 'ProtocolDescription', '$schema': '', 'required': ['data', 'meta'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'properties': {'data': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['description', 'inputs', 'outputs', 'language'], 'title': 'InteractionProtocol', '$schema': '', 'required': ['description', 'inputs', 'language', 'outputs'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes.language', 'properties': {'inputs': {'type': 'object', 'title': 'Dict[str,type]', '$schema': '', 'properties': {'$schema': {}}, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '', 'title': 'type'}}, 'outputs': {'type': 'object', 'title': 'Dict[str,type]', '$schema': '', 'properties': {'$schema': {}}, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '', 'title': 'type'}}, 'language': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'InteractionProtocol(description: str, inputs: Dict[str, type], outputs: Dict[str, type], language: str)', '__qualname__': 'InteractionProtocol'}, 'meta': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['description', 'inputs', 'outputs', 'language'], 'title': 'InteractionProtocol', '$schema': '', 'required': ['description', 'inputs', 'language', 'outputs'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes.language', 'properties': {'inputs': {'type': 'object', 'title': 'Dict[str,type]', '$schema': '', 'properties': {'$schema': {}}, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '', 'title': 'type'}}, 'outputs': {'type': 'object', 'title': 'Dict[str,type]', '$schema': '', 'properties': {'$schema': {}}, 'additionalProperties': {'$ref': '', 'title': 'type'}}, 'language': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'InteractionProtocol(description: str, inputs: Dict[str, type], outputs: Dict[str, type], language: str)', '__qualname__': 'InteractionProtocol'}}, 'description': 'ProtocolDescription(data: zuper_nodes.language.InteractionProtocol, meta: zuper_nodes.language.InteractionProtocol)', '__qualname__': 'ProtocolDescription'}}, 'language': '((in:describe_config ; out:config_description) | (in:set_config ; (out:set_config_ack | out:set_config_error)) | (in:describe_protocol ; out:protocol_description) | (in:describe_node ; out:node_description) | (in:describe_build ; out:build_description) | (in:get_state ; out:node_state) | (in:set_state ; (out:set_state_ack | out:set_state_error)) | (in:get_logs ; out:logs) | out:aborted)*', 'description': '\nBasic interaction protocol for nodes spoken by the node wrapper.\n\n    '}

| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 370, in deserialize_dataclass
|     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=expect_type)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 310, in ipce_to_object
|     return deserialize_Dict(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 428, in deserialize_Dict
|     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=V)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 282, in ipce_to_object
|     return schema_to_type(schema, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 453, in schema_to_type
|     res = schema_to_type_(schema0, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 555, in schema_to_type_
|     assert False, schema  # pragma: no cover
| AssertionError: {'title': 'Any'}
| The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 370, in deserialize_dataclass
|     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=expect_type)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 315, in ipce_to_object
|     return deserialize_dataclass(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
|   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 375, in deserialize_dataclass
|     raise Exception(msg) from e
| Exception: Cannot deserialize attribute inputs (expect: typing.Dict[str, type])
| value: {'get_logs': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'get_state': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'set_state': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}, 'set_config': {'$id': '', 'type': 'object', 'order': ['key', 'value'], 'title': 'SetConfig', '$schema': '', 'required': ['key', 'value'], '__module__': 'zuper_nodes_wrapper.meta_protocol', 'properties': {'key': {'type': 'string', '$schema': ''}, 'value': {'title': 'Any', '$schema': ''}}, 'description': 'SetConfig(key: str, value: Any)', '__qualname__': 'SetConfig'}, 'describe_node': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_build': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_config': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}, 'describe_protocol': {'type': 'null', '$schema': ''}}
| | Traceback (most recent call last):
| |   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 370, in deserialize_dataclass
| |     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=expect_type)
| |   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 310, in ipce_to_object
| |     return deserialize_Dict(K, mj, global_symbols, encountered)
| |   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 428, in deserialize_Dict
| |     attrs[k] = ipce_to_object(v, global_symbols, encountered, expect_type=V)
| |   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 282, in ipce_to_object
| |     return schema_to_type(schema, global_symbols, encountered)
| |   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 453, in schema_to_type
| |     res = schema_to_type_(schema0, global_symbols, encountered)
| |   File "/project/src/zuper-utils/src/zuper_json/", line 555, in schema_to_type_
| |     assert False, schema  # pragma: no cover
| | AssertionError: {'title': 'Any'}
| |
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