Job ID step status up to date date started date completed duration message 13976
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-23 10:13:08+00:00 2018-11-23 10:15:57+00:00 0:02:49 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
driven_lanedir_median 0.3880610979918855 deviation-center-line_median 0.13664925000771344 in-drivable-lane_median 0
other stats deviation-center-line_max 2.0343215338656777 deviation-center-line_mean 0.8453138210483389 deviation-center-line_min 0.07311490591334209 deviation-heading_max 1.9797248911477023 deviation-heading_mean 0.8015501067684795 deviation-heading_median 0.2465135448335628 deviation-heading_min 0.17384115244657822 driven_any_max 5.335459318743161 driven_any_mean 2.3353841958378245 driven_any_median 0.396353136018631 driven_any_min 0.2890563026297844 driven_lanedir_max 3.6746625476582215 driven_lanedir_mean 1.561467966843581 driven_lanedir_min 0.27676157363072607 in-drivable-lane_max 6.466666666666647 in-drivable-lane_mean 2.2333333333333263 in-drivable-lane_min 0 per-episodes details {"ep000": {"driven_any": 5.335459318743161, "driven_lanedir": 3.1633806569128593, "in-drivable-lane": 6.466666666666647, "deviation-heading": 1.3769178031616027, "deviation-center-line": 1.897159035212376}, "ep001": {"driven_any": 0.3212814612457478, "driven_lanedir": 0.30447395802421173, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.2465135448335628, "deviation-center-line": 0.08532438024258489}, "ep002": {"driven_any": 0.2890563026297844, "driven_lanedir": 0.27676157363072607, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.23075314225295135, "deviation-center-line": 0.07311490591334209}, "ep003": {"driven_any": 5.334770760551796, "driven_lanedir": 3.6746625476582215, "in-drivable-lane": 4.699999999999983, "deviation-heading": 1.9797248911477023, "deviation-center-line": 2.0343215338656777}, "ep004": {"driven_any": 0.396353136018631, "driven_lanedir": 0.3880610979918855, "in-drivable-lane": 0, "deviation-heading": 0.17384115244657822, "deviation-center-line": 0.13664925000771344}}
No reset possible 13968
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-23 10:11:23+00:00 2018-11-23 10:12:51+00:00 0:01:28 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 13967
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-23 10:10:51+00:00 2018-11-23 10:11:13+00:00 0:00:22 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
survival_time_median 1.3000000000000007
other stats episodes details {"ep000": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.00016385058406740428, "good_angle": 1.6674561913717711, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 10, "valid_direction": 3.20000000000001}, "ep001": {"nsteps": 32, "reward": -30.93973571015522, "good_angle": 0.17987352373557702, "survival_time": 1.0666666666666669, "traveled_tiles": 2, "valid_direction": 0.2333333333333334}, "ep002": {"nsteps": 29, "reward": -34.13352490071978, "good_angle": 0.08709209465021205, "survival_time": 0.9666666666666666, "traveled_tiles": 2, "valid_direction": 0.2666666666666666}, "ep003": {"nsteps": 500, "reward": 0.14036932139156852, "good_angle": 2.0890268799961262, "survival_time": 16.666666666666654, "traveled_tiles": 10, "valid_direction": 3.566666666666682}, "ep004": {"nsteps": 39, "reward": -25.44141902975165, "good_angle": 0.11193960703711754, "survival_time": 1.3000000000000007, "traveled_tiles": 2, "valid_direction": 0.13333333333333375}}good_angle_max 2.0890268799961262 good_angle_mean 0.8270776593581608 good_angle_median 0.17987352373557702 good_angle_min 0.08709209465021205 reward_max 0.14036932139156852 reward_mean -18.074829293730197 reward_median -25.44141902975165 reward_min -34.13352490071978 survival_time_max 16.666666666666654 survival_time_mean 7.333333333333329 survival_time_min 0.9666666666666666 traveled_tiles_max 10 traveled_tiles_mean 5.2 traveled_tiles_median 2 traveled_tiles_min 2 valid_direction_max 3.566666666666682 valid_direction_mean 1.480000000000005 valid_direction_median 0.2666666666666666 valid_direction_min 0.13333333333333375
No reset possible 13955
step1-simulation success yes 2018-11-23 09:55:45+00:00 2018-11-23 10:02:26+00:00 0:06:41 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10740
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-18 12:05:41+00:00 2018-11-18 12:07:05+00:00 0:01:24 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10739
step4-viz success yes 2018-11-18 12:05:37+00:00 2018-11-18 12:07:06+00:00 0:01:29 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10738
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-18 12:04:20+00:00 2018-11-18 12:05:35+00:00 0:01:15 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10737
step3-videos success yes 2018-11-18 12:04:17+00:00 2018-11-18 12:05:34+00:00 0:01:17 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10734
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-18 12:03:53+00:00 2018-11-18 12:04:15+00:00 0:00:22 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10733
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-18 12:03:51+00:00 2018-11-18 12:04:11+00:00 0:00:20 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10732
step2-scoring success yes 2018-11-18 12:03:47+00:00 2018-11-18 12:04:10+00:00 0:00:23 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10724
step1-simulation success no 2018-11-18 11:59:00+00:00 2018-11-18 12:03:09+00:00 0:04:09 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 10200
step1-simulation aborted no 2018-11-18 01:44:38+00:00 2018-11-18 01:44:55+00:00 0:00:17 Error while running [...]
Creating job10200-5605_evaluator_1 ... error
stderr | ERROR: for job10200-5605_evaluator_1 Cannot start service evaluator: network job10200-5605_evaluation not found
stderr |
stderr | ERROR: for solution Cannot start service solution: network job10200-5605_evaluation not found
stderr |
stderr | ERROR: for evaluator Cannot start service evaluator: network job10200-5605_evaluation not found
stderr | Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
stderr |
Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 4308
step4-viz success no 2018-10-30 04:06:22+00:00 2018-10-30 04:07:51+00:00 0:01:29 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 4307
step3-videos success no 2018-10-30 04:04:25+00:00 2018-10-30 04:06:21+00:00 0:01:56 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 4306
step2-scoring success no 2018-10-30 04:04:06+00:00 2018-10-30 04:04:23+00:00 0:00:17 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 4303
step1-simulation success no 2018-10-30 03:56:53+00:00 2018-10-30 04:04:00+00:00 0:07:07 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible 4298
step1-simulation timeout no 2018-10-30 03:25:06+00:00 2018-10-30 03:56:42+00:00 0:31:36 Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
No reset possible