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Submission 5654

UserFrank (Chude) Qian 🇨🇦
Date submitted
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Completenot complete
DetailsSister in aido3-LF-sim-testing: not-ready: Sister 5653 not ready.
User label2019-12-09|FrankNet|v3
Admin priority100
User priority100

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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29378
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29374
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Artefacts hidden. If you are the author, please login using the top-right link or use the dashboard.
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29371
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29327
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29322
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29321
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29309
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29303
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29220
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29218
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29214
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29208
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29198
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Scores from the eval [...]
Scores from the evaluation of job: 29192
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